Filling out Documentation
Table of contents
Making a Portfolio
Many events will require you to submit a portfolio as a PDF. The documentation required in it can be found in the official TSA guides. On the official TSA website you can also find official forms templates provided by TSA. To assemble your portfolio, you’ll probably need some program to help. Dochub is a free website you can use to create your documentation though there are many alternatives.
Cover Page
The cover page should have your ID or team ID, the date of the conference, the name of the event, and the name of the conference itself. It is also recommended you add the TSA logo to it. Cover page template here.
Storyboards are basically a rough plan before you execute your project. To make them draw lines on a sheet of paper dividing it into 3x2 boxes. In each box, sketch a scene or whatever is most applicable to your event. In each box under each drawing, you must also provide a description. Digital storyboards are discouraged if not grounds to be disqualified. They should be done very roughly on paper typically with a pencil or pen. Scan then for your portfolio.
It is recommended that you do not backfill this. Do it before you actually start creating your project. Use as many as you need; some teams may even have dozens of pages.
Copyright Checklist
The document is fairly self explanatory. Just fill out the form information and make sure you get your advisor to sign where needed. Form here.
Plan of Work log
The plan of work log is a record for all the work that you’ve done. This includes all planning and meeting time. Create a work log first - do not backfill as that could lead to inadequate documentation. Every time you have a meeting, sketch an idea, contribute code, or do any task for your project, put it in the work log.
You may use the template provided by TSA or use your own as long as all information fields are there. Make sure to use initials; this is supposedly to avoid judge bias.
Use as many as you need.
Additional Notes
- For webmaster and website design: You must put all your documentation on one of the pages on your website